Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday night and feeling alright!

Good evening,
So I met them. I met my rawk star idols, Angela Stokes and Matt Monarch. They looked exactly like I had pictured them. Vibrant, enthusiastic, energetic and passionate about their cause. Their stories seemed very rehearsed though and they left no time for questions or comments or ideas which was disappointing. They spent a long time plugging their website, books and products instead of really delving into the stories of others in the room. It hit me about half way through their "speeches" when I asked Matt a question about my sudden soy intolerance after years of eating soy without adverse effects. He brushed off the question as if I had interrupted him and continued telling "his" story. My mom leaned over to me and said "They travel the country telling their stories and selling their products. This is how they make a living". I didn't want to believe it, but it was true.
There were so many people at the Potluck that I could barely walk around. I felt very cramped and really didn't get a chance to talk to anyone there except my mom. The raw foods were good though. My mom brought dried pineapple that she dehydrated with lime and cilantro(YUMMY) and I made guacamole in endive leaves (also great).
I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. You can't live your life in anyone else's footsteps or with their ideas in your mind. Instead, you need to live life for yourself-you need to pave your own way to learn what works best for YOU. Sure we are all humans but we are sooo different, our bodies, our likes and dislikes, our experiences, our daily activities, our environment, our love and support from friends and family...these things all differentiate us from one another.

Love yourself and remember....We are all Rawk stars!

Rawkn Yogini~

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