Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Roughing it to better your health!


I promised you all that I would talk more about this component that is found in all plant based foods. Fiber cannot be digested by the human body, yet its benefits can save your life.

WHY eat Fiber!?

Fiber comes in two forms Soluble and Insoluble but both are EQUALLY important.

Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water whereas Insoluble fiber remains suspended when mixed with water.

Roles and Benefits of Fiber:

*Fiber slows down gastric emptying: The fiber swells in your stomach, takes up space, and keeps you fuller longer this is especially helpful for losing weight.

*Fiber speeds up colon transit time: prevents constipation by bulking up your stool and helps paristalsis or contraction of the colon to push stool through till it exits ;-).

*Fiber helps to eliminate toxins in the colon and even helps prevent colon cancer: by scraping against the colon wall it binds to toxins and helps move them out.

To chew or not to chew that is the question!

Why wouldn't I want Fiber?

**If you already have a compromised colon with conditions such as diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, crohns, etc. You may need to heal your colon with a low fiber diet before you can slowly incorporate fiber into your diet.**

Fiber may help eliminate toxins but it also eliminates some vitamins and minerals. You may be venturing into a "juice feast" like me (aka NO FIBER) I am doing this so that my body can easily and quickly absorb vitamins and minerals and nutrients without losing any. Without fiber digestion is much easier for my body and it can take a break. Juice and Smoothies and whole fruits and vegetables are all good.

Generally it is good to have a mix of it all...

I hope this helped you all! Eat your fruits and veggies!

Rawkn Yogini~

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