Monday, December 28, 2009

Juice FEAST day 14...2 weeks down, 2 more to go!

Good Evening Everyone,
Yehawww...2 weeks on Liquids! I can hardly believe what I have accomplished so far.
These past few days have been extremely profound for me.
Juicing has been an emotional roller coaster. After many emotional breakdowns here is what I have discovered...

Appreciation...I have learned to appreciate the gift of food. Every time I make a juice I am reminded of where my fruits and vegetables came from and who may have grown and harvested them. I think about who is going without food and clean water while I nourish myself. I now know how much I took that "crunchy" flax cracker for granted or that "soft" melon in my mouth, even that "creamy" almond butter in my yum pots with mesquite powder. I appreciate textures much more now than I ever did. Now I can only imagine them in my mind.

Surrounding yourself with Love...For too long I convinced myself that some of the people in my life cared about me, accepted me, and took interest in my endeavours when in fact they didn't. It has been a painful, eye opening journey for me to see this. I now know that in order feed my powerful positive soul that I need not surround myself with those that are negative energy beings. I never realized how much I was able to suppress my emotions with solid foods until drinking only liquids and having nothing to "comfort" me but energy.

Releasing your emotions...Sometimes it's OK to say "I'm hurt", "I'm sad", "I feel frustrated", "I'm lost", "I'm overwhelmed"...Cry, Laugh, Frown, Scream, Clap! Express yourself! It is much easier to overcome your positive or negative emotions when you don't suppress them or lock them inside you.

Find a physical outlet...I have found that doing some form of physical activity such as swimming, walking, singing, doing yoga, talking with a loved one, or even writing has been so helpful to overcome everyday stresses and emotions.

Keep Things Simple...Now that all the brain fog has been lifted and my body is healing itself I can see that the more simply I eat the easier it will be to keep myself feeling free and in control like I do on juices. I am not a slave to my kitchen or even juices. In the morning I pack juices and off I go. That's it! No worrying or terrible attacks of worry that I won't have food for the day. I need to be proactive when I go back on solids and always have things with me so that I can carry out my day and have things with me if or when I get hungry. No big deal.

It pains me to see others eating junk...Gosh has it KILLED me to watch my dad eat non-stop without any end in sight. The crinkling of the opening chip bag or the crunch of pretzels and fried snacks. Even my brother walking up to his room with a bag of candy. They don't realize how mentally and physically dependent they are on food. I feel none of those feelings. I am hardly ever hungry and when I am I have a juice. There really isn't much to think about. I make a juice based on what I have in the house-not too complex.

I am so happy that I have done this for myself. Doing this with my mom has been amazing too. We have become so close and I'm so glad that we now understand each other even better. I'm so glad she has put up with me and supported me through my emotionally trying times this past week.

And last but not least I'd like to thank oranges...they have been my saving grace fruit when I have been in the mood for no other...SERIOUSLY!

Any Questions?? Let me know if you need some advice for beginning your own juice feasting journey!

Be one with your soul,
Rawkn Yogini~

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I hope all of you are excited about the holidays! I know many of you will be celebrating Christmas tomorrow! Wow this year has disappeared before my eyes. I am so thankful for all the wonderful experiences I have had and the people I have met!
Today if you have been following me on my juice feasting adventure is day 9. The days are flying by. Lately I have been exercising. I have done Aqua Aerobics early in the morning and the other day I took Yoga! My goodness did that feel wonderful. I love being in the water too. There is just something spectacular about submerging yourself in warm water and moving your body around in ways that feel great! It is also a great workout!
Yesterday! I did colon hydrotherapy for the second time! Let me tell you, I was completely exhausted afterward. I really felt drained. This is why...Toward the end of my session, when my colon was being filled with clean warmed water I suddenly felt the most disgusting taste in my mouth. It tasted like women's floral parfume! I was almost gagging. After she allowed the water to release from my colon I was able to get rid of A LOT of waste and toxins. I have no idea what that was but it must have been some type of chemical I had been exposed to. I came home and crashed. I felt emotionally and physically exhausted. My hormones and emotions were all over the place. I felt sad, angry, overwelmed, excited, relieved, etc. I went to bed at 8:30pm!
Today, I feel so much better! This is a good thing because there are lots of things to do! I am going with my mom to a friend's apartment to help her make Christmas dinner and celebrate the holiday. All the while drinking juices! But believe it or not...I am very content with drinking juices!

I know many of you will be enjoying a Christmas Eve or just simply a Wednesday night feast ;-)
Here is the most fantastic recipe for a Cherry/Berry Cobbler as promised!

Cherry Berry Cobbler Recipe
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
1 1/2 cups walnuts (Optional: Soaked and dehydrated to make them dry and crispy)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup pitted dates
3 cups cherries, frozen, thawed and drained
1/3 cup pitted dates (medjool)
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1. Make the crumble topping: Process all ingredients in a food processor except the dates. Add dates one at a time to form coarse crumbs.
2. Make the filling: In a blender, combine 1 cup cherries with dates, lemon juice and cinnamon. Toss with the remaining 2 cups cherries.
3. Put cherry mixture in a square glass baking dish. Top with crumble topping. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
**Alternatively, you can put the cherry mixture directly into serving dishes and top with crumble topping.
Serve immediately or put in fridge before serving! It actually tastes better the next day!
Serves 4 -- recipe can be doubled.
Variations: Use frozen blueberries or strawberries or mixed berries
Or use crumble topping as a crust to push into a pie pan or glass dish

This is my favorite Dessert! I hope you all enjoy! No baking required...that's what I call instant satisfaction!

Happy Holidays!
Rawkn Yogini~

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Juice FEAST Day 6!

Hello beautiful,
Bet you can't believe that it's Day 6 of my juice feast. I certainly can't! The days are flying by!

My brother had a swim meet a couple days ago and he did awesome! My mom and I have been encouraging him to eat whole fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods and sugars. We have prepared for him delcious snacks such as fruit salads, fruit juices, mixed veggies, and salsa! We can definitely see an improvement already in his complexion (his acne is going away) and his energy levels. He is enjoying the energy and stamina he has, especially for his races. He did 5 races the other day and did amazingly well!
Yesterday he had a girl over for the very first time! It's amazing, once you eat better you feel better and people can feel your love and energy. They want to be around you. You attract love and friendships. I was very excited for him!

This leads me to my lesson of the day...

Do I need to eat 100% raw to be healthy?

The answer, I'm sure to your surprise is no! If you are eating a standard diet of bagels, cookies, pizza, big macs, easy mac, ramen noodles, chips and crackers, canned vegetables and soups, white sugars or artificial would benefit TREMENDOUSLY from an INTERMEDIATE COOKED FOOD DIET.

Cooked Food?

Yes, cooked food. It is more important what you LEAVE OUT of your diet COMPLETELY without exception! These foods are those containing REFINED SUGARS and PROCESSED STARCHES. These two drugs are what create food CRAVINGS and TOXICITY in our bodies. When we eat these foods we TRIGGER overeating and binging on more unhealthy foods. We become addicted and dependent on these foods. Our bodies are screaming out for nurishment and we continue to feed it a foreign substance it has NO USE FOR.
When we eat these foods OCCASIONALLY it is as if we are eating them everyday. The addiction to these foods remains in our bodies and we continue to constantly think about them. How many times can you say no to something before you finally give in?! This leads to the relapse of the OCCASIONAL cookie, slice of pie, etc.

Think of an alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol. What is the recommendation? To drink on occasion? NO, of course not...they are advised to stop drinking completely because with even one drink they may relapse into their addictive behavior.

You may be thinking..."If these foods are so bad for us then why are they in all the supermarkets and at most restaurants and cafes?"
Do you think the food industry wants you to be truly satisfied with a slice of cake every 3 years or do you think they are banking that you will occasionally have that cake say once or twice a week? Sugar and cooked starches are addictive and they know that if they slip a little of that in then you will be coming back for more. Another reason is that it is cheaper because sugar makes things more shelf stable. Sugar extracts water from food and therefore preserves it longer.

BUT how can I cut these things out...I need them!

You can do it! One small step at a time. Instead of having a bagel with coffee for breakfast try for a fruit smoothie or fruit salad with some honey sweetened granola and plain greek yogurt with herbal tea with agave or honey to sweeten.
Or some fresh fruit sprinkled with nuts and seeds and almond milk (1 cup of almonds, 4 cups of filtered water, blend in a blender and strain with a strainer or sieve, optional: add some vanilla)!

For lunch try to put your lunch meat on a lettuce leaf (romaine, boston lettuce, collard) instead of tortilla or bread.
Instead of sugary candies try eating dried fruits such as:
dates, turkish figs, raisins, cherries, cranberries, apricots, pineapple, pears, apples... Try to look for ones that do not have any preservatives or added sugars.

If you are ambitious to try some Raw foods, start small... with a salad with fresh veggies, sliced up avocado, olives and a vinegarette with olive oil and vinegar, season with some sea salt and fresh ground pepper and enjoy. If you go into my blog archive you will find a recipes for raw salsa and guacamole!! These have been my staple food since going raw and even before raw! After you have mastered the art of salads you can then venture into the exciting world of RAW juice filled stomach is growling with just the thought!
Tomorrow I will post a delicious raw fruit cobbler/pie that even the pickiest eater will "live" for.

If you feel sad, depressed and/or constantly hungry you may benefit greatly from these few improvements. I am here to help guide you if you have any questions along the way!

With Love,
Rawkn Yogini~

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Juicy Baby Juicy!

Juice FEAST day 5
Such an exciting feeling! I have been LOVING drinking juice. I have NO food cravings! In fact, I barely even think about food or even juices! I feel like a brand new car. Just like a car that you put gas in when your fuel tank is on empty, I put in some juice when I am genuinely hungry, I am satisfied and I move about my day. Days are flying by...I never realized how much energy and time I was putting into eating until these past few days. Juice is so fast and simple, no menu planning or food combing or cravings. I feel full of energy and light and excited about each and every day! In the beginning (the first day) it was very emotional for me to give up my attachment to food. I also no longer had foods to suppress emotions. Juice was so light that I couldn't hide from myself. Well I have found myself and I feel content and happy!

Here is a crazy but true story about my day today! As usual I wake up and have a cup of warm lemon water to help wake up my digestive system. I am sitting at my kitchen table when my dad comes walking into the house. He has just come home from a coffee and bagel shop that he goes to every morning at 6:30am, practically when they open their doors, to get his daily bagel (refined sugar and cooked carbs) and strong caffeine rich coffee. He comes home irritable and on edge with a plastic bag in his hand. He starts to take the items out of the bag containing a bag of flavored chips, 2 boxes of movie style candy, half dozen bagels, and some yellow mustard. I think to myself, "Why did he buy all that junk food?" I go to make my first juice of the day-Cantaloupe....mmm yumm. My dad has already finished his bag of chips and before I sit down to enjoy my juice, he begins to make a bagel. I ask him if he is truly hungry and he tells me he has only had a bagel and bag of chips. I enjoy my juice and keep my thoughts to myself. I go upstairs and get dressed up because...
My friend got married today!!! I went to her wedding and she looked absolutely gorgeous. She looked like Bridal Barbie!! Congratulations April and Eddie!!
I enjoyed that thoroughly and came home to make my mom and I a lunch juice around 1pm. Kale, pear, and ginger! My goodness was that good! My dad sits down to have his lunch. Bow ties and Kasha (toasted buckwheat). I ask him after he has finished if he feels satisfied. He responds as he scrapes the bottom of his bowl for the last drop, "I'm never satisfied". He says it in a sarcastic matter of fact almost proud "I'm a real man" way as he puts his bowl in the sink and looks for something else to fulfill his incredible "appetite". My mom and I both look at each other as we sip our GREEN juices with delight! We both think of the same thing, cooked food never satisfies you because your body never truly gets the nutrients that it needs to function. As you continue to give your body food that it cannot easily use for fuel and for healing, it continues to give you a signal to eat and eat and eat. You never feel satisfied.
This is such a depressing way of living isn't it?

Moral of the story...If you want each day to feel full of adventures and excitement and less about what to eat next try to transition to a RAW and living food diet. Maybe even start your day with a juice!?

JUICES are so delicious and I can't wait to see where this journey will take me!

Have a Juicy Day,
Rawkn Yogini~

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Juice FEAST Day 2

Hey everyone,
I made it through another Juicy day! I cannot believe how easy it was for me today. I had no food cravings and my thoughts were on my day instead of what to eat next or when I would be able to find time to "eat". Drinking juice is simple. You drink juice when you are hungry and you feel satisfied and you move on. NEXT!
My mom made me a delicious juice this morning consisting of:

I had a Nutritional Biochemistry final, went holiday shopping, dropped off some paperwork and then had my lunch juice

came home and took my puppies for a nice walk and went shopping with my mom
snack juice was
SOOOO Goood!

Dinner juice around 7:30pm was a greeeeen juice

My skin feels better already and my eyes are bright and clear...28 more days and my whole body might glow...we shall see!

Rawkn Yogini

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Juice FEAST Day 1

Hello all you Juice FEASTERS out there!
Day one is just about over and I feel...accomplished.
This was a super challenging day from start to finish
Early this morning around 7:30am I made myself my 1st juice.

I took a Bikram Yoga Class...wooo was that hard! I had packed myself some water and celery juice to replenish my electrolytes which I drank quickly after the class was over.

When I came home around 11:30/12pm I made myself another juice.
Canteloupe Juice!

Snack juice around 2:30 was...
Sweet Potato

Sounds crazy but it was good
I immediately noticed after this juice that my nasal passage cleared up, my sight became very clear and my hearing became sensitive. It was almost like my senses became stronger!

Dinner juices were
Berry juice with strawberries, blackberries and carrot
Green juice with collards, kale, mustard greens, ginger, apple and pear....super strong!

Around 2:45pm I felt very strange. I developed a headache and started to crave any and all food. I felt myself getting very emotional and vulnerable since I was unable to have solid food to comfort me. Even if it would have been dates and almond butter....I got through it though. I confronted myself and forged ahead.

So excited that I got through this! 29 days to go!
Having a juicy night,
Rawkn Yogini~

Monday, December 14, 2009


Have a Juicy day!

Today I finally received my Hurom Slow Juicer. I tried it out tonight by making a savory tomato, celery, spinach juice that was super easy and delicious. Tomorrow officially starts my Juice Feasting Adventure. My mom and I will be drinking nothing but fruit and veggie juices for a minimum of 30days. Our intentions are to take each and every day at a time with no expectations. My only hope is to acheive my goal (Juicing for 30 days )and hopefully heal my body and eliminate toxins. I will received colon hydrotherapy weekly and will try my best to exercise daily.
I received colon hydrotherapy on Friday at 1:30pm for the first time! I was so worried and anxious about this. I bet you can guess why. wasn't bad at all. In fact after the session which wasn't painful or uncomfortable I felt light (almost like I was floating) and relieved (I got rid of a lot waste and gas in my colon). I was also devoid of worries and anxieties. It was like a stress buster.
I figure that while detoxing my insides with the juicing I might help the process along by cleaning my colon and showing those toxins the door :-)

Each day of my 30+ day juice feast I will post a blog with the juices I drink, physical and spiritual activities, feelings and experiences, and possibly some pictures!! 8-D

Love, peace and Happy JUICING!
Rawkn Yogini~~

Thursday, December 3, 2009



Yesterday, I took a fantastic meditation class!
I was finally able to see that most things come in CYCLES. The seasons, my emotions, my digestive system, my sleep wake routine, the female menstrual cycle...I was ALWAYS under the impression that these changes were a nuisance and a bump in my life but really they are stability and must be acknowledged in order for me to find peace and calm in MY LIFE.
We often find ourselves in a cycle that feels uncomfortable to us and we call it a "vicious cycle" such as poor eating habits, not getting adequate sleep, feeling depressed, etc.
"How do we break this?", we think to ourselves.
The only true way to overcome fear, guilt and sadness is to detach our soul, positive energy, loving body from "it". "It" is everything that is NOT positive.
We are all positive souls filled with powerful energy.
SMILE and think of something wonderful and you will see how quickly your energy will fill a room and change an onlooking stranger's mood. You have that power! Just like you have the power to stay positive and loving even when you feel utter sadness, fear and anger. These feelings are not you; you are not these feelings.

**In the meditation class we were encouraged to close our eyes and look deeply within ourselves to reflect on a time that let us feeling upset, full of guilt or sadness. I closed my eyes and was immediately brought back to a moment that brought tears to my eyes and heat to my face. I remembered the moment when I got back an organic chemistry exam with an F on the front page. This was my first failure and I allowed myself to feel guilty, hurt and fearful. At that moment I felt powerless. I opened my eyes after this exercise...

The meditation teacher told us to close our eyes again and visualize how we could empower our souls so that we would not allow these negative emotions harm our positive souls. I reluctantly closed my eyes again, only this time when I received this exam I remembered that I was a powerful soul and that I could use my will and strength to overcome this grade and take the strong steps that I needed to succeed on the next exam and learn from my mistakes. I felt wonderful and excited that I had this power to change my mood. I went from teary eyed and anxious to motivated and determined.

Next time you are in a situation like this...
Take a deep belly breath O-: and close your eyes, look within yourself for the answers and they will come. Only you know yourself. Next time someone says something rude and mean to you; it is only THEIR OWN sad feelings that are trying to take you as a HOST. Put your positive energy SHIELD up to reflect these emotions away from you.

With the changing seasons often comes a time of uncertainty and fear of the "unknown". This can be scary and may even make it hard to find your positive soul.
My solution=Me time
The more distance you can put between yourself and ill feelings the better.
Take a walk first thing in the morning before these thoughts and emotions can creep up. Reflect upon thoughts as an observer without attaching yourself to them. By doing this you acknowledge their presence and then they disappear because your soul knows that they no longer serve you. Take breaks throughout the day to take a breath, bask in the warmth and energy of the sun and remember YOU ARE A POSITIVE POWERFUL SOUL!

With Loving, Positive ENERGY,
Rawkn Yogini~

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

FATS: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Hello Wednesday,
You are my favorite day of the week-almost like the glass half empty and half full-the week is both half over and half begun. So many excited things to look forward to...Woohoo! I will be having a Raw food Holiday Gathering at my apartment~and the end of my semester at school and the beginning of my juice feast are nearly 2 weeks from NOW.
I was asked a question by a friend in class about Fats. What do they do in our bodies and why do we need them and where can we get them in our diets??
Here you have it ladies and gentleman-the most feared nutrient..Dundundun...FAT!

The ROLES Of fat in our bodies!
*Cushioning and insulation: Fat cushions our nerves, organs, tissues and cells from bumping around and getting damaged. It also serves as insulation in order to keep us warm. This is why animals gain weight in the winter-we are programmed by nature to do this in order to keep our bodies warm when it gets cold outside.
*Hormone regulation-cholesterol is made in our bodies and is actually a precursor for many of our hormones including estrogen and progesterone which are needed by women to become pregnant and maintain pregnancy. It is also helpful to keep our hormones balanced so that we don't have huge mood swings.
*Lubricate and soften our skin so that it appears smooth and soft.
*Energy-during times of exercise or fasting our bodies tap into this stored energy for fuel. Without it you would not be able sleep through the night without food or exercise or do a fast.

Are all fats CREATED EQUAL??
There are 3 different types of dietary fat:
Unsaturated: THE GOOD
Mono and Poly-unsaturated fats are found in nuts, seeds, legumes, olives, avocados, olive oil, canola oil, flaxseeds, chia seeds...basically any fat that is plant derived. Unsaturated means that a long chain of carbons C-C-C-C-C-C-C-... usually 16 or 18 carbons long has no Hydrogens on it so at room temperature is is a liquid. Well in your body it is ALSO a liquid so it is free to flow and does not clog or block arteries!
Saturated: THE BAD
Found in ALL animal products. EVEN milk, yogurt, cheese and eggs have saturated fat even if that skim milk says NO fat it will always have some. Animal products also always contain cholesterol! This Fat is comprised of a long chain of C's BUT on all the C's is a Hydrogen. This hardens the fat so that it is solid at room temperature. Therefore solid in your cells, blood, tissues-you can see the damage that it can cause on your heart. When fat accumulates in your heart this is called plaque and can make it difficult for the heart to receive and pump fresh blood through therefore your cells and tissues cannot receive nutrients and oxygen!
The only exception is: COCONUTS
***Coconuts are a good source of Saturated fat naturally occurring in Nature. Coconut also contains unsaturated fats. It contains antioxidants and actually has several amazing properties that have been shown to do anything from curb appetite to prevent cancers. Because Coconuts are natural, our bodies are able to break this saturated fat down so that it can become liquid in our bodies and although coconuts are solid at normal room temp they have a very low melting point. Once the oil is heated above 70 degrees it becomes liquid...our internal body temps are about 98 degrees!
This is the scary stuff! Trans fats are found in most processed foods. Foods are "hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated" for many reasons.
*Makes foods more shelf stable-fats go rancid less easily*
*Makes fats more solid*
*Makes fats easier to ship across the country because they are solid instead or liquid.*
How does this happen?
An unsaturated fat (C-C-C-C-C...) is pumped full of Hydrogens to make it solid
The problem-our bodies do not know how to break those Hydrogens off once that fat gets into our bodies and stays hard and solid in our cells and tissues.
A food that you would normally suspect doesn't have saturated fats may in fact have them in the form of TRANS FATS.

Moral of the story: Get your fats from plant based sources by consuming a diet of predominantly fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Don't be afraid of fat because dietary fat does not equal fat on your body!

Let me know if you have any questions or comments??

Any ideas for my next topic tomorrow?
Rawkn Yogini~

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Roughing it to better your health!


I promised you all that I would talk more about this component that is found in all plant based foods. Fiber cannot be digested by the human body, yet its benefits can save your life.

WHY eat Fiber!?

Fiber comes in two forms Soluble and Insoluble but both are EQUALLY important.

Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water whereas Insoluble fiber remains suspended when mixed with water.

Roles and Benefits of Fiber:

*Fiber slows down gastric emptying: The fiber swells in your stomach, takes up space, and keeps you fuller longer this is especially helpful for losing weight.

*Fiber speeds up colon transit time: prevents constipation by bulking up your stool and helps paristalsis or contraction of the colon to push stool through till it exits ;-).

*Fiber helps to eliminate toxins in the colon and even helps prevent colon cancer: by scraping against the colon wall it binds to toxins and helps move them out.

To chew or not to chew that is the question!

Why wouldn't I want Fiber?

**If you already have a compromised colon with conditions such as diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, crohns, etc. You may need to heal your colon with a low fiber diet before you can slowly incorporate fiber into your diet.**

Fiber may help eliminate toxins but it also eliminates some vitamins and minerals. You may be venturing into a "juice feast" like me (aka NO FIBER) I am doing this so that my body can easily and quickly absorb vitamins and minerals and nutrients without losing any. Without fiber digestion is much easier for my body and it can take a break. Juice and Smoothies and whole fruits and vegetables are all good.

Generally it is good to have a mix of it all...

I hope this helped you all! Eat your fruits and veggies!

Rawkn Yogini~

Monday, November 30, 2009

The RAW HOLIDAY season!

That was the phrase I sang out every time I took a walk with my Grammie this weekend who desperately need some motivation to move after a tramatic weekend of receiving over 7 pints of lost blood. She was rushed to the hospital with bleeding to later determine that the cause was a disease called Diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is an inflammation caused by compacted hard fecal material getting impacted into herniations along the colon-WOW sounds painful. This is a disease which is normally caused by a diet LOW in FIBER. A very common disease the nurse told her nonchalantly as if because many people had it, it wasn't a danger to your health. That got me thinking! FIBER is a huge component in the diet of raw foodies-in the form of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, dried fruit-Yep the whole diet=Fiber. Now look at a SAD typical diet. pancakes with syrup, white bread with mayo and cheese and meat for lunch, and steak for dinner with a roll and some cooked skinless mashed potatoes=virtually no fiber! We gave her some education on this. But while she is healing she is eating a diet LOW in fiber called a Low residue diet so that she can heal! After that it is recommended to increase your fiber intake gradually. I will talk about Fiber and the benefits of fiber later today...Time for class!

Be back soon,
Rawkn Yogini~

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day?

Hey Friends,
I hope you are all enjoying this holiday to celebrate the bounty and abundance of mother nature. Isn't it amazing how much this Earth can offer to us? This is a fantastic time of year for persimmons, sweet potatoes, root vegetables and tubers, apples and pears, garlic and onions...the list goes on. I particularly love Persimmons!

I was at school the other day about to go home for break and someone wished me a Happy Turkey Day. I said "you too!". It wasn't until later that I really thought about those words. How happy could that turkey be that sits on most American's kitchen tables, roasted all day and stuffed. I can't imagine that it's too happy! Plus, judging by the way you feel after eating turkey (tired, full, lethargic and sleepy) your body isn't very happy either.
This year was my very first raw Thanksgiving!

I started my day with a Delicious greeeeen smooothiieee...with bananas, spinach, celery, ginger, cucumber, bee pollen, and carrot top greenssss....Wow-no words to describe how good!
The rest of the day was fruits, fruits and more fruits until Thanksgiving Dinner!
Before the meal, my mom, dad, brother and myself listed all of the things we were thankful for
Justin-our dog Ruby
Dad-our health and the delicious food
Mom-that our grandma was doing well and our new Raw food journey
Me-health, happiness, finding raw food, my family and friends
Now for the Dinner!
Appetizer: cauliflower popcorn with nutritional yeast
Main meal:Raw cranberry sauce which my mom lovingly made.
mixed green and Boston lettuce Salad with tons of yummy veggies such as carrots, tomatoes, snap peas, fresh corn, daikon radish, and zucchini.
For Dessert:...A YUMM pot which was CASHEW butter mixed with dark mesquite powder!

Makes me think to myself-could life be any better?
My first raw Thanksgiving and this year-I not tired after eating cooked food that I labored to make all day but dinner took just minutes (Sort of like the time my digestive system took to digest my meal) and I had energy to take a walk, play with the puppies, take a ride with my dad and to jump around to the Thanksgiving day parade performers! lol

You CAN eat this way...You CAN feel this way!

I am about to announce an amazing adventure that I will be taking starting in DECEMBER...
I will be starting a JUICE FEAST. I will be drinking only juices for a minimum of 30 days. In which time I hope to heal from emotional attachments to food and detoxify my body from years of toxins and food allergy induced damage to my intestines. I will talk more about it before I begin. In the mean time my juicer will be coming soon and I'll be breaking it in with a juice daily!

I hope you all celebrated in the company of loved ones. And if you did eat a Turkey-I hope you enjoyed it and were thankful for all it sacrificed to bring you joy, abundance and nourishment!

Much Thanks,
Rawkn Yogini~

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday night and feeling alright!

Good evening,
So I met them. I met my rawk star idols, Angela Stokes and Matt Monarch. They looked exactly like I had pictured them. Vibrant, enthusiastic, energetic and passionate about their cause. Their stories seemed very rehearsed though and they left no time for questions or comments or ideas which was disappointing. They spent a long time plugging their website, books and products instead of really delving into the stories of others in the room. It hit me about half way through their "speeches" when I asked Matt a question about my sudden soy intolerance after years of eating soy without adverse effects. He brushed off the question as if I had interrupted him and continued telling "his" story. My mom leaned over to me and said "They travel the country telling their stories and selling their products. This is how they make a living". I didn't want to believe it, but it was true.
There were so many people at the Potluck that I could barely walk around. I felt very cramped and really didn't get a chance to talk to anyone there except my mom. The raw foods were good though. My mom brought dried pineapple that she dehydrated with lime and cilantro(YUMMY) and I made guacamole in endive leaves (also great).
I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. You can't live your life in anyone else's footsteps or with their ideas in your mind. Instead, you need to live life for yourself-you need to pave your own way to learn what works best for YOU. Sure we are all humans but we are sooo different, our bodies, our likes and dislikes, our experiences, our daily activities, our environment, our love and support from friends and family...these things all differentiate us from one another.

Love yourself and remember....We are all Rawk stars!

Rawkn Yogini~

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thirsty Thursday takes on a whole new meaning!

Hi everyone,
I'm sure the title of this blog took you back to your college days. You probably remembered that as Thursday night rolled around, your college campus would come alive with drinking parties, late night pizza slices, and embarrassing morning after pictures and ill feelings. This is known as a SAD diet by Raw foodists. This both because you feel sad and emotion eating this way and because it stands for Standard American Diet. I was reminded of these things when reminiscing with an old friend who remembered nicknames we would give cheap disgusting beer brands and people we would text or call at 3 in the morning to tell about our adventures. This made me think about something crazy! College kids are living toxic-super unhealthy lives despite being at the prime time of their lives. College students are ages 17-23 years old and most are drinking several nights a week, eating junk food, getting no sleep, getting very little exercise, and having stressful sleepless nights! They are setting the stage for habits and behaviors that they will carry with them for the rest of their adult lives. What is happening here!? We should be climbing mountains, running marathons, protecting the planet, volunteering and loving life not ignoring it with toxic drugs and alcohol.

Thirsty Thursday for me was a hot sweaty yoga class followed by drinking ice cold water and having cold freshly squeezed orange juice. mmmm yummy.
This bog is dedicated to my college friends who want a couple recipes for healthy, delicious raw foods that will fill them up with nutrients and energy instead of toxins and regret.

1 large tomato, diced
1 green pepper, diced
1 red pepper, diced
1/2 jalapeno pepper, finely diced
1/2 yellow onion, diced
juice of 1/2 a lemon
pinch of salt and ground black pepper
Mix in bowl and enjoy!

1 avocado, mashed
1/2 tomato, diced
1/2 green pepper
1/2 jalapeno, finely diced (don't touch your eyes)
1/2 lemon, juiced
pinch of salt and ground black pepper
Mix and serve!

Enjoy these two delicious simple recipes with a green salad...I love mixed greens, spinach or boston lettuce!

If you come over I'll whip this up for you! Hey I might already have it made-it is my staple food!

Eat well and Be well!
Rawkn Yogini~

Monday, November 16, 2009

Looking Forward but staying in the present

Hello again,
I hope you enjoyed that story from yesterday as much as I did!
Today is *monday* and it is the beginning of a new and exciting week filled with challenges.
But bring em' on!
I have several things going on at school. The biggest "thing" is a huge Nutritional Biochemistry exam. I am determined to educate and enlighten myself so that I am prepared to WOW my teacher on Wednesday afternoon when I take my exam! I think I can I think I can! lol.

Also with this challenge also comes a fantastic reward. I will be meeting and listening to my two idols, Matt and Angela Stokes Monarch on Saturday in Maine. Not to mention, I will get to enjoy some delicious raw foods since it is a potluck, I will meet some awesome raw love bugs (people), spend the day with my mom, and RELAX. Woohoo for weekend excursions.

Now back to reality!
I had a friend from class today come to me about dry, irritated skin and hair. I told her about an excellent way to help this especially this time of year when most SAD people eat very little water rich produce and much more heavy dense foods. Anyone can benefit from this piece of advice that I gave her though, whether you are 100% raw or 2% raw.
Skin Brushing:
This is a gentle way to exfoliate your skin and move toxins out of your body through your lymphatic ducts.
The concept is simple. It requires a wooden bristle brush that you can purchase from almost any health food store or body shop.
You brush your arms, legs, shoulders, buttocks, chest, stomach toward your lymphatic ducts near your groin and armpits. your upper half you brush toward your armpits and your lower half you brush upward toward your inner thighs or groin.
In order to get a detailed picture of this just search for skin brushing in any search engine or on
You will do this first thing in the morning BEFORE you take a shower!
This will even help with circulation and waking you up first thing in the morning!
Your skin will feel amazing and you may not even need lotion. But sure you drink lots of water to facilitate this toxin elimination.
I noticed a difference in my skin within just a few days!
I will keep you posted on my studying...Have a wonderful day
Rawkn Yogini~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fabulous Weekend!

Hi everyone,
Yesterday may have been one of the most spectacular days I've had -at least in a month! lol! I started my rainy morning doing some light cleaning. I put on some yoga clothes strapped my yoga mat onto my shoulder and journeyed to my yoga studio to sweat out some toxins and brighten my mood and physical strength and flexibility! Woohoo! Yeehaaaww...

Then I spent the day with my mom and dad and a bunch of my friends at my studio owners fabulous home (with a gorgeous garden) for a real treat!
A living raw foods class all Day! From 1-6pm all we did was talk about raw and living foods and sample some delicious holiday themed dishes. Faux turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed "potatoes", mushroom gravy, pumpkin pie, carrot apple juice....Haha wow I ate all that!? I met some fantastic people. One person more amazing than the next. I especially loved those that had never eaten or heard of living foods. They loved the food and were so blown away that they were asking what type of knives and food processors they should go out and buy the next day!!!
But there was one guy that really inspired me...Here is his story!
He said that as a child and most of his adult life he resented his father who was a farmer. The man said he wanted to live a "better" life. When he was in his 20's, he was watching a television special on longevity-he was very skeptical of destiny and fate and often needed everything concrete and calculated for him to believe it. As he was watching this special, something told him to go down to the basement. As he walked down to the cellar of his house he felt compelled to open up a dusty book on his library shelf. He opened to a "random" page that read "How to live a long and healthy life". It was one of his father's farming books that talked about living the life of a farmer who gets to work and live off of his land and eat his own fresh produce. Well arrogantly he shut the book and went back up stairs. Little did he realize that that moment would come to him almost 20 years later. He became your typical 9-5 business man; eating cooked food and feeling totally detached from the world. Though he was living in a beautiful house and making money he didn't really FEEL his PURPOSE in life Nor did he feel any particular ENERGY to find it. One day his wife became fed up with the way "she" had been feeling for most of her life. In a quest to feel better she discovered raw living foods. As she adopted this foreign idea and way of eating so too did her husband. Before long the man started seeing his purpose much more clearly. He recalled that day in the basement and decided that he wanted to go back to his roots and become the farmer that he for so many years dismissed. He says he has found his path, his DESTINY. He no longer feels lost or lacking in energy. Everyday is a new adventure and piece of the puzzle. This man inspired me soo much. He was glowing with life and energy. EVERY raw person I have met has had a similar enlightenment. I can't believe I am apart of such an amazing movement!
I hope this story made your day as it did mine!

I made my mom some raw treats today including...
raw chocolate pudding!
Here's the basic recipe:

2 avocadoes-smashed
2 heaping tablespoons of cacao powder/carob powder
some agave

mix and enjoy!
Rawkn Yogini~

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Juice for Life!

Hello Hello,
I took a walk this morning and it was so warm out! I swear it was only 7am and it was already 70 degrees out! Wow~what an amazing start to my day. Shortly followed by a fabulous green smoothie.

Lunch was some amazing juice and an apple with hemp butter! (Manitoba) Hemp butter=amazing. I will never eat almond or another other nut butter again after having Hemp butter. It's filled with protein, omega-3 and 6 unsaturated fats and is so delicious.
Juice is so amazing-your body just soaks up all those nutrients-no stomach acids needed to break it down just straight to the small intestine to absorb all those fabulous nutrients!!

I'm studying to be a dietitian so I had an clinical internship today; I love learning about patients! Maybe I'm naive but I hope to heal everyone that I see with raw food and make the world a more delicious and healthy place. No more white sugar, flours, only pure whole foods :-)

I came home and gave my mom raw dehydrated onion bread that I made (took a while but was well worth it). She loved it!! It was made with lots of love!

Time to do some reading and studying!
One question before I leave...what are your favorite raw foods?
If you tell me yours I'll tell you mine!
Rawkn Yogini~

Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Monday

Hello again,
It is Monday morning at 8:07am according to my computer clock and I'm getting ready for a busy day. Yesterday after my last post I took an amazing yoga class, bought some pots for a couple plants that needed a home, and picked some raspberries at a local farm! So fun!
Today I've been up for about an hour and a half-Green smoothie already made and packed..YUM...and I'm just about ready to study for a test this morning in a Roman Civilization class. Learning about ancient Roman food, dress, education, midwives and more! Believe it or not the Romans were mostly RAW. Their cakes were date nut tortes with simply nuts and dates! They loved honey and wine and pickled vegetables-they ate fresh salads every day!
As my mind races this morning with commitments and obligations I am reminded that I can only do one thing at a time. Only one task! Make a list, check it twice and cross things off as you accomplish them-you'll feel better and at the end of the day you will see how much you have accomplished!
Enjoy your green smoothies and good luck with your to do lists!
Shanti (Peace),
Rawkn Yogini~

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gorgeous Sunday!

Hi there!
Hope you are sitting beside your window like me with the curtains pulled open. I hope you are basking in the warmth and light from the shining sun. There is nothing more beautiful than the sun's energy and light warming the outreaching branches of a white birch tree or the sweet innocent face of child rollerskating down the street. At least today there is nothing better. I take advantage of the sun's energy during the summer months; but it's easy to get used to that incredible vibrance that you feel as your body naturally hummmss as you sit on your porch or take your dogs for a walk. Now that the season is changing and the sun doesn't break from the clouds quite as much we must worship its presence by recognizing its power! Get outside when you can.
I decided this morning when I woke up at 7am that it was time to move. I put on a comfortable pair of sneakers and a big warm sweatshirt and began to walk. No clear intension or destination. Only to be. I didn't need music. The sounds of birds chirping, the wind rustling the leaves, an occasional dog barking and the occasional child laughing was enough for me! I closed my eyes as I walked and let my body guide me. Well I walked for nearly 45 minutes; totally with the sun's energy!
I came in and jumped into the shower and got dressed.
Smoothie time I thought! Greener the better! I made a spectacular Green superfood smoothie.
Here's what I had:
1 small red banana
handful of Kale
bunch of romaine lettuce
2 stalks of celery
3 Tbls of organic frozen blueberries and blackberries
1 Tbl of freshly ground bee pollen
1-2 Tsp of Maca powder
1-2 Tsp of spirulina powder
2 1/2 cups of filtered water
2 Tbl of raisins and golgi berries

BLEND=Amazing! YUM! this was around 9:30 and I drank that till 11:15am
Time for me to get out and take some yoga~

Remember to listen to your body~start your day with a Green smoothie!~Soak up the Sun!

Rawkn Yogini <3

Friday, November 6, 2009

Raw and Thriving

Just wanted to say Hi to everyone that will be following my blog. I'm a RAW and Living foods lover who will be sharing my incredible journey filled with fun, adventure, love, and inspiration!
Rawk on!