Image via Wikipedia
I often wonder why people yell at one another when they are having a discussion or argument. I feel that when someone yells at me or yells something they want to convey to me I completely stop listening or respecting what they have to say. I simply say, "This person isn't in a calm enough state to even have a worth it conversation and I certainly can't handle all of this forced energy upon me". Maybe some people enjoy yelling at another person and even like being yelled at but if you don't like being yelled at but you enjoy dishing out to others maybe you should rethink your behavior and approach. Are you also saying things like "This is the way it has to be done!" or "I want things done my way, and you don't have a say in it" or are you even giving out threats and ultimatums like "If you don't do it like this then you can't do _____ or you will lose my respect or you will tear apart/poison ___" The very moment someone starts uttering things like this to me, I lose all respect for them. Add a raised voice and voilent expression and maybe even violent body language and you are dealing with full on abuse.
You don't need to stoop to their level. Calmly and without hesitiation walk away. They don't want to listen to you anyway!
Protect yourself especially your strong and positive heart and soul,
Rawkn Yogini~
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