Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This Just Feels Right!

Hello again,
I thought I'd share with you some fabulous insight that hit me today! Why do I love raw foods and juices? For the same reasons I love yoga and dancing and spending time with friends or family; they make me feel oneness with the world. Since I started with the raw foods and juices I have let myself be sad, lonely and vulnerable and I have allowed myself to truly find out who I am and what it is that I need to be happy. With life we are faced with tremendous stress both physical and emotional, some are positive and some negative! Your car breaks down (why me?) You have 3 projects due the same day (why me?) your friend stops talking to you (why me?) You make a fabulous new friend (oh wow!) You hear your favorite song on the radio (lalala) The sun comes out while you are walking and warms your face (ahhh). As you can see we are all faced with challenges but remember we are positive powerful souls with so many wonderful blessings but yet we "choose" to dwell on the negative.
Let's try for one day to see everything for what it is and let it go. Don't hold on to negative thoughts. Acknowledge all thoughts and situations and let them go. You may however hold someone you love a little tighter or sip your favorite juice a little slower or turn up the volume of your favorite song a little louder or smile a little brighter knowing that one positive person can change the world!
For one day...let's all be more aware!

With Peace and Awareness,
Rawkn Yogini~

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