Determined to make a change :-)
Amazed by all the love and support!
You can do it too!
8 days into this awesome journey
Wonderful foods and recipes
Owning up to my weaknesses and accepting them
Welcome to the challenge!
Yes I'm feeling a bit cheezey this morning! And I don't mean smothered with gooey, stick to the roof of your mouth velveta either!! I just want to let you all know that the light at the end of the tunnel is shining brighter each day! It is definitely getting easier and I think I'm in love with the 21 Day Challenge members. The numbers grow each day! I really want to start videos to share my knowledge and ideas with others...what do you think?!
Today I don't feel any serious emotional anxiety or stress despite the fact that I have my last final on Wednesday, I've lost my cell phone, I'm moving out of my apartment on Saturday and graduating from college! Ha...piece of cake!
There are so many wonderful, talented people out there. Artists, poets, musicians, engineers, doctors, lawyers, carpenters, painters, mothers, fathers, botanists, farmers! The list goes on but it just goes to show how different we all are but many of us share a common tie that joins us together. We all want long, healthy, vibrant, and fulfilling lives!
Why are our supermarkets filled with cardboard boxes, cans, bags, and containers that sit on the shelves for months without any signs of spoilage? How fresh do you think you will smell and feel if you neglected to get up, move around, and take a shower for months? That's right....FUNKY!
Now imagine what they are putting in the food you are eating...chemicals and poison to preserve them and keep them "fresh". In fact your food might be made entirely out of chemicals! Try looking at a mountain dew can! So even if raw foods seem too extreme to you...make sure you are looking at the labels. If the ingredient list is a mile long with a ton of words you can't pronounce then put down the yodels and funnybones...because they most likely are making you sick! Whole foods such as fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and even organic fresh meats are better than anything in a box...even if it says the words "healthy", "fat free", "natural", "excellent source of..." and shocker "ORGANIC" or "GLUTEN FREE". Just because something is organic doesn't mean that it's not filled with stabilizers, sugar, flour and saturated and trans fat! Organic just means that when they were growing the food that they didn't use pesticides. Keep reading the labels. My friend was a big fan of Newman O's (like oreos) and they recently started putting corn syrup in the cookies instead of natural cane sugar (to me however sugar is sugar) and she wrote them a letter and decided to stop buying them! Gluten free is another thing to watch out for. Many of the products have gels and gums to hold the product together and often disguise the terrible mouthfeel and taste with sugar and saturated fat!
With awareness comes empowerment. You dictate what you will and won't eat so tell your local supermarkets and health food stores what you'd like them to carry! They care! Give brands and ideas! They want your business...they want your money...make them work for it!
Haha...that's my rampage for the day!
Rawkn Yogini~