Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Green Juice is back and so is my best friend!

So excited because my best friend came home from South Carolina on Tuesday and I seriously felt like my other half was back!  I picked her up from the airport and came home to a scrumptious dinner by her mom.  She made me a great salad with a ginger sesame viniagerette while everyone else had potato salad and cheeseburgers!  Seeee how sweet and receptive other people can be toward your lifestyle.  Yesterday, I watched Eat, Pray, Love.  The movie was very inspiring and made me realize that we are all searching our whole lives for our ultimate purpose and that purpose may even change and evolve just like relationships, our cars, our homes and our clothes!  Don't take life toooo seriously because just when you think things are "on track" we get sidetracked or go onto another path that we never could have planned for!  Be spontaneous.  The only true reality is love and family!
And!  To top off all of those great ah ha moments, I'm sitting here-finally with a green juice.  I've only been thinking about it for weeks.  Don't know why I didn't make it.  It literally took me less than 5 minutes! It's super delicious.  It makes me feel more alive!

Have a fantastic Day,
Rawkn Yogini

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