Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fragrant and Delicious

Hey there,
Do you know how to pick 'em? Fruit I mean. Do you know how to pick fully ripe fruit when you go to the grocery store or farmer's market? Here are some tips for picking the best fruit you can that is high in water content, sweetness and nutrients. More bang for your buck.

1. Pick a fruit that is heavy for its size.
2. Choose a fruit or vegetable that is the color you think of it as. Pineapple should be yellow, tomato should be red, etc.
3. Smell the fruit or vegetable. Does is smell sweet? Does is smell like it's going bad or fermented?
4. Make sure that fruits and vegetable that are supposed to be soft are soft and fruits or vegetables that are supposed to be firm are firm. Cucumbers are firm whereas peaches are soft.
5. The true test will be when you take a bite and the juice runs down your face or it is crisp and delicious. Everytime you hit a home run you will remember exactly how that fruit felt, smelled and looked and you will be sure you pick another good one next time around too.
Rawkn Yogini~~~

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