Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why do Humans dominate over other living things?

People may think I'm strange for giving up all meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and eggs but today I was fully reminded why I made that choice after seeing an interview with Ellen Degeneris about why she became a vegan nearly 2 years ago. I may care deeply about my health and spirituality but this decision that I've made to become a vegan goes far deeper than that. I put a V next to my name on facebook not to be cool or be part of a cult of crazy extremists but because I can not be selfish and ignore the cruelty and pain that animals must endure so that I can eat. With movies like Earthlings and Food Inc. out there and books like Fast Food Nation and the China Study we can not ignore the implications of eating animal products. The Earth is made up of three things Nature, Animals and Humankind. Why is it that Humankind feels that they are entitled to dominate and use all other parts of the Earth as if they were their own? I cherish even the bounty of nature to supply me with vegetables and fruit. With each bite I think about when and where that fruit or vegetable was picked and how much work went into growing and harvesting that food. I myself, own a garden and know how difficult but yet how rewarding that time and energy is when in the palm of your hand you have the most magnificent gift that nature has provided for you. When you glance down at a steak, you most certainly make a disconnect from where it came from, how that animal was treated and how it was killed. Because how else would you be able to fully enjoy eating it. If you aren't aware of how animals are being treated you need to open your eyes. Animals are not given proper space, food, water, and treatment. They aren't born to live, they are born to die. When you eat something with a heart, a pulse, a brain, you are eating their thoughts, pain, anxiety, and fear. Many animals in factory farms never see the light of day, they never experience love, they don't know what peace and the absence of fear is. I pray every single day that someone out there awakens to this reality because with one less person eating meat and animal products that means numerous animals are saved.

Praying for a better tomorrow,
Rawkn Yogini~<3

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