Thursday, December 3, 2009



Yesterday, I took a fantastic meditation class!
I was finally able to see that most things come in CYCLES. The seasons, my emotions, my digestive system, my sleep wake routine, the female menstrual cycle...I was ALWAYS under the impression that these changes were a nuisance and a bump in my life but really they are stability and must be acknowledged in order for me to find peace and calm in MY LIFE.
We often find ourselves in a cycle that feels uncomfortable to us and we call it a "vicious cycle" such as poor eating habits, not getting adequate sleep, feeling depressed, etc.
"How do we break this?", we think to ourselves.
The only true way to overcome fear, guilt and sadness is to detach our soul, positive energy, loving body from "it". "It" is everything that is NOT positive.
We are all positive souls filled with powerful energy.
SMILE and think of something wonderful and you will see how quickly your energy will fill a room and change an onlooking stranger's mood. You have that power! Just like you have the power to stay positive and loving even when you feel utter sadness, fear and anger. These feelings are not you; you are not these feelings.

**In the meditation class we were encouraged to close our eyes and look deeply within ourselves to reflect on a time that let us feeling upset, full of guilt or sadness. I closed my eyes and was immediately brought back to a moment that brought tears to my eyes and heat to my face. I remembered the moment when I got back an organic chemistry exam with an F on the front page. This was my first failure and I allowed myself to feel guilty, hurt and fearful. At that moment I felt powerless. I opened my eyes after this exercise...

The meditation teacher told us to close our eyes again and visualize how we could empower our souls so that we would not allow these negative emotions harm our positive souls. I reluctantly closed my eyes again, only this time when I received this exam I remembered that I was a powerful soul and that I could use my will and strength to overcome this grade and take the strong steps that I needed to succeed on the next exam and learn from my mistakes. I felt wonderful and excited that I had this power to change my mood. I went from teary eyed and anxious to motivated and determined.

Next time you are in a situation like this...
Take a deep belly breath O-: and close your eyes, look within yourself for the answers and they will come. Only you know yourself. Next time someone says something rude and mean to you; it is only THEIR OWN sad feelings that are trying to take you as a HOST. Put your positive energy SHIELD up to reflect these emotions away from you.

With the changing seasons often comes a time of uncertainty and fear of the "unknown". This can be scary and may even make it hard to find your positive soul.
My solution=Me time
The more distance you can put between yourself and ill feelings the better.
Take a walk first thing in the morning before these thoughts and emotions can creep up. Reflect upon thoughts as an observer without attaching yourself to them. By doing this you acknowledge their presence and then they disappear because your soul knows that they no longer serve you. Take breaks throughout the day to take a breath, bask in the warmth and energy of the sun and remember YOU ARE A POSITIVE POWERFUL SOUL!

With Loving, Positive ENERGY,
Rawkn Yogini~


  1. Words of wisdom Ally, all so true! We all have the power within to be strong, knowing, and true...............

  2. This is a wonderful post:) I completely agree with everything that you have written in this blog post:) For me, being a college student at this time of year, with finals coming up and classes overloading with work, I have been feeling very anxious and overwhelmed lately. Zen is a philosophy that truly helps me, because it is about being and awareness. What I have learned, is that everyday, anytime that I feel overwhelmed or upset over a given situation, that my first reaction is to "do" something to change how I am feelings or to try and make a situation better. But the truth is, is that the only way that this can happen is by 'NOT DOING'or trying to fix something. Instead I will say to myself "ok, this is how I am feeling, this is why I am feeling it, and it is okay.' Accepting and being present with awareness is the key to happiness and peace:)

    With Love,
