Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 3 of the 21 Day Raw Food Challenge!

Hi Everyone it's day 3!!!

I can hardly believe it..the days are flying by. Just made a list this morning of how I feel and in just 3 days so many things have improved. Mental clarity, energy, my skin, sleeping really well, I had swelling in my joints that is going down, and I feel...Happy! Such a great feeling!

I invite you all to join the yourself a favor and join the group on facebook that way you'll have support and inspiration from people going through the same things as you and offering you suggestions!!! You don't have to pay's totally 100% free. I am not trying to sell anything or committ you to a cult! I'm trying to be healthy and take you with me so that we can share vibrant health together! Click here to join...

I think i'm in love with Banana Ice do I make it?

**I take super ripe (ones with lots of brown spots on them) bananas, you can usually even get them on clearance at the grocery store (cha-ching!)

**Then I peel all of them and cut them into chunks
**I put them into a plastic freezer bag or glass container and put into my freezer!

**Once frozen, usually over night, I put them into the food processor or blender and blend until creamy and smooth!!! I don't add any water, sugar or anything!
The best thing about this ice cream is that you can eat it every single day and feel good about it! Even children and babies can have this and love it!...heck you could give it to your dog!!!

It is that simple....enjoy!!!!
You could top it with sliced strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and even soaked and sprouted nuts and seeds but I like mine's that good!
Come join the here

Rawkn Yogini~~

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